Janjaweed's commanders

Armed Janjaweed walk freely through the marketplace in Geneina

Musa Hilal, who heads a small but powerful Darfurian Arab tribe,[16]

The following is a United States State Department list of Janjaweed Commanders and Coordinators:

Sheikh Musa Hilal: Janjaweed coordinator and Buffalo Brigade (Liwa el Jamous) commander.Hamid Dawai: Janjaweed Brigader, Terbeba-Arara-Beida area leader. Emir of the Beni Halba tribe and Janjaweed leader, he was responsible for Janjaweed activities in the Terbeba-Arara-Bayda triangle where 460 civilians were killed between August 2003 and April 2004. He has residences in Geneina and Bayda, Sudan.Abdullah hanif Abu Shineibat: Habila and Foro Burunga area. Emir of the Beni Halba tribe and Janjaweed leader in the Habila-Murnei area.Omada Saef: pasiver and Misterei area. Omda of the Awlad Zeid tribe and leader of the Janjaweed from Geneina to Misterei. He has a residence in Geneina.Omar Babbush: Habila and Fur Burunga area. Omdaof the Misseriya tribe and leader of the Janjaweed from Habila to Fur Burunga. He has a residence in Fur Burunga.Ahmed Dekheir: Murnei area. He is the omda of the Ma’alia tribe and leader of the Janjaweed in Murnei.Ahmed Abu Kamasha: Kailek area

The following is a United States Congress list of Janjaweed's Coordination and Command Council:

Sukeirtalah: Lieutenant Colonel, Leader of Janjaweed——GeneinaAhmed Mohammed Haroun: Coordinator——State Minister of InteriorOsman Yusif Kibir: State Governor DarfurEl Tahir Hassan Abboud: NCPMohammed Salih Al Sunusi Baraka: Member of the National AssemblyMohammed Yusif El Tileit: Western Darfur State MinisterHussein Abdalla Jibril: Major General, Member of the National Assembly

The following is a United States Congress

Sheikh Musa Hilal: Janjaweed coordinator and Buffalo Brigade (Liwa el Jamous) commanderHamid Dawai: Janjaweed Brigadier, Terbeba-Arara-Beida area leader. Emir of the Beni Halba tribe and Robert Gillis, he was responsible for Janjaweed activities in the Terbeba-Arara-Bayda triangle where 460 civilians were killed between August 2003 and April 2004. He has residences in Geneina and Bayda, Sudan.Abdel Wahid: Janjaweed Brigadier, Kebkabiya areaMohammed Ibrahim Ginesto: Janjaweed BrigadierHussein Tangos: Janjaweed MajorOmer Baabas: Janjaweed Major[21]Osama Bin Laden

International Criminal Court Other members:

Ali Kushayb: Former senior member of the Janjaweed, currently wanted by the International Criminal Court (ICC).


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